Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ayden's Blessing Day
Posted by Desiree Decker at 11:56 AM 1 comments

Posted by Desiree Decker at 10:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Going a Little Nuts...
So this Sunday is Ayden's blessing day which in itself is an exciting and extremely joyful occasion, and we are lucky enough to have Jonathan's family coming from Oregon which is also great, but it just so happens that the preparing part isn't nearly as enjoyable. This week I don't think I am going to have time to do hardly anything between watching Ayden, cleaning the house, and running a million errands (in fact I really shouldn't even be taking the time to write this...oh well).
There are several factors that make up the bulk of my frustrations with how busy I'm finding myself. First and foremost is the fact that my dad picked this last week to start finishing some remodeling he's doing in the kitchen and dining room. Now, this may seem like a good thing, and in theory I suppose it is, but when you are expecting a boat-load of guests in a mere week is it really the best idea to do all of the sanding on the unfinished walls? Especially when the open floor plan of the house allows the dust to go EVERYWHERE? Now almost every room in the two upper floors of the house is going to need to be not only cleaned, but deep cleaned seeing as none of the furniture was covered before this project took flight. I'm going to be beating dust out of my sofa for weeks now. :(
The more frustrating thing about this is that no one is really ever around to help clean, and when they are around they aren't particularly jumping at the chance to help out. Even though there are eight people living in the house, with everyone else either being at work, at school, or off doing some other thing, I doubt I'm going to receive much help. So pretty much anytime I can get Ayden down for a nap I am running around like a crazy person trying to get something done, otherwise it may not happen. Ugh.
Annoying thing number two is that Jonathan and I are currently sharing one vehicle. This wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't work and go to school 35 miles away...but seeing as he does it presents a small problem if I ever need to run an errand. It basically leaves me at the mercy of everyone else's schedules which are generally more important than mine it would seem. We did have another car but at the request of Jonathan's parents gave it to his cousin who is going through a rough patch. The trade off was that they are providing us with a replacement of pretty much equal value...but won't get here with it till Saturday. So I suppose there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it sucks that we had to be down one vehicle during such an important event. Some of my errands this week include buying Christmas gifts (since this is the only time we'll see Jonathan's family before Christmas), buying Ayden's blessing suit, picking up food, paper products, pictures, and who knows what else from random stores, shopping for baby groceries, paying our storage unit bill.....and that's just to name a few.
I guess if I make it to the end of the week without ending up in a straight jacket, I'll consider this week a big success.
Posted by Desiree Decker at 2:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
The New Bond Movie
Today Jonathan, my brother Josh, and I went to see the movie Quantum of Solace. I have to say we all thought it was a pretty great movie! There was A LOT of action and not too much innuendo or sex which is weird since James Bond is a legendary sex symbol...not that I'm complaining or anything, its just a little out of suit for the movie series. One thing I was particularly pleased about (and this may sound strange coming from a woman) was that they put the silhouettes back into the intro. They didn't have them in Casino Royale and it was a little disappointing since they are such a big part of what makes up a Bond movie, and lets face it, they are sexy! ;) Anyway, we were all happy, and even though I wasn't such a huge fan of Daniel Craig in Casino Royale...I'm warming up to him. I personally prefer Pierce Brosnan as far as pretty Bond guys go, but Daniel Craig's tough guy attitude makes him a different kind of attractive. Grrrr :)
Posted by Desiree Decker at 6:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fun Photos
Since its been getting cold outside we've been enjoying putting little hats on our little man. This one is one of our favorites since its looks just so darn cute and one of the ladies in our ward made it for him.
Posted by Desiree Decker at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Swingin' Good Fun!
Ayden loves his starlight swing....as long as he doesn't think we're trying to put him down for a nap! :) My brothers both say that they wish they made these kinds of swings for adults. I must say it does look comfy!
Here's a video of me in my swing!
Posted by Desiree Decker at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Bathtub Time!!!
Ayden wasn't too keen on the idea of baths at first but the more we show him how much fun they are the more he seems to like them. Soon I hope he learns to splash and play and love his bathtime!
Posted by Desiree Decker at 11:58 PM 0 comments