So I finally have some pictures of Ayden's nursery...although I'm sad to say that its still not complete. We still have some shelves and paintings to hang, but these will give you a general idea.
The little cubes are nice for dividing clothes into sizes or hiding things that don't look nice on the open shelves. We've already got a ton of stuffed animals for him, but who knows if he'll actually play with any of them! I love TY Pluffies because they're machine washable so he will be able to drag them around or suck on them all he wants.

This is his dresser/changing table. This used to be a light colored pine dresser with a lacquered finish and brassy colored hardware (ick!) but over conference weekend in April of this year we sanded it down, repainted it, and gave it some snazzy new silver drawer pulls. Now it looks like new! Its worked great as Ayden's changing table and it cost next to nothing. How could it get any better?
Right now we have Ayden using a temporary bassinet for his crib. Its actually a pack'n'play, but it has a bassinet attachment which we are using until my dad finishes his real crib. Its actually worked out nicely because it was easy to have in our room when he was little, it has a vibrator and plays music, and it has a removable changing table attachment too. That way when we did have him sleeping in our bedroom we didn't have to carry him to his nursery to change him, which was especially nice in the middle of the night.

This is the chair that I have absolutely fallen in love with. The second I sat in it at Babies R' Us I knew it was the one! I appreciate that it has a shorter back because its better for a little person like me, and is still surprisingly supportive for Jonathan too even though he's way taller than me!
This is where a lot of Ayden's feedings, story times, and snuggles times happen. All I need is the ottoman and I could pretty much sleep in this chair because its just so darn comfy!