Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Our Apartment
Posted by Desiree Decker at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Lake Tahoe - August 2007

The water was gorgeous but extremely cold! The sand was really rough too so we actually only ended up spending about 30 minutes total at the lake because we had no fun toys to play in the water with and it was too expensive to rent anything between just us three.
Posted by Desiree Decker at 9:50 PM 0 comments
San Fran Trip - June 2007
We took a week long trip with my family to San Francisco just a few weeks after we got married. It was loads of fun but a week is a long time to be with the same nine people! We got to visit most of the main attractions such at the Golden Gate Bridge, Pier 39, Chinatown, Coit Tower, Muir Woods, and lots of other places like the Santa Cruz beach and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. It was a totally packed week!!!We were lucky that the fog and haze were minimal the day we stopped for a photo op of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was still pretty chilly though!
This is such a crowded place, I don't think I could ever live here! If you look real close at this picture you can see that super crooked street at the top in the middle. We drove down it but it wasn't particularly interesting since you can only go about 5 miles per hour. I couldn't believe how many one way streets there were here!
We got a little bored being in the car for so many hours driving from thing to thing so we had to come up with creative ways to keep ourselves and each other entertained :)
We visited the Jelly Belly factory during our trip also. There were so many different bins of jelly bean flavors it almost made your head spin trying to pick which ones you wanted! Some of them (like the booger and earwax flavors) weren't as hard to choose between though.
We all were blown away by Muir Woods. Although it was a little tricky to get to it was totally worth it. The gigantic trees were breathtaking!!! We probably have more pictures of this part of the trip than the rest combined! :)
Me trying to be tall like the tree....I don't think it worked very well though. Jonathan does a little better at this than I do.

Posted by Desiree Decker at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Our Wedding - June 2007
We were married June 2nd, 2007 in the Salt Lake Temple. We were both very overwhelmed but very happy and so glad that we were able to be sealed to each other for eternity. It was really hot when we were walking around the temple grounds taking pictures so we were glad when we called it quits to head back to the house for two seconds to catch some lunch and start prepping for the reception.
The day went very quickly and was a little hectic but went smoother than we ever could have asked for. Our families played a huge roll in getting everything taken care of for the reception and in keeping both Jonathan and I sane and focused on the fact that this was our day to enjoy.
Our reception was held in Kaysville, Utah at the home of one of our neighbors. It was really hot during the afternoon and early evening but once it hit around 7 pm the weather was perfect and we all had a great time dancing and socializing with friends and family. We couldn't have asked for a better night for our reception.
It was all a total blur as we rushed from thing to thing that day and by the time we were done that night we were glad to have it all over with! And we got away without having our car decorated (except for the toothpaste...thanks Katie!).
Posted by Desiree Decker at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: wedding
Bridal Photos - April 2007
In April of 2007 I got my bridal photo's taken at Thanksgiving Point in Alpine, Utah. We did them in April because the Tulipfest was going on during that time and we were hoping to be able to get the beautiful flowers in the pictures. The problem was that it only got up to about 45 degrees that day and it was windy, so not only was I freezing my behind off but I also had to keep my dress from blowing over my head or into the bushes whenever I was standing near a flower bed!
Even though it was really cold (and by the end of the shoot I could barely move my face because it was so numb) I still had a lot of fun and the pictures turned out great. :) Also, thanks to my maid of honor, Michelle Jensen, for trecking around the grounds with me that day. Love ya!!!
Posted by Desiree Decker at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: wedding
Jonathan's Band - The Recovery
Many people may not know that for quite a few years Jonathan was in a band called the Recovery. He played lead guitar and did back up vocals as well. He is amazing at the guitar so it was fun for me to be able to attend most of his shows during the last year he was in the band. They did a few albums together and enjoyed playing many local shows around the Salt Lake valley, but in fall of 2006 the other band members decided they wanted him to fully commit to the band. With Jonathan wanting to finish his schooling as well as our plans to get married, he had other things that came first for him and decided to resign from the band. It was one of the hardest decisions he's had to make because he loved having the opportunity to spend time with his friends doing one of the things he loves most.
Jonathan is very passionate about music and still loves to play his guitar and sing at the top of his lungs whenever he gets the chance....and I love to listen. :) He misses being able to play in his band but is doing great in school and is happy with where he is headed. He still keeps in contact with the band and attends their shows once in awhile to support his friends.
Posted by Desiree Decker at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Our Engagement - October 2006
We got engaged on October 28th of 2006. It was one of the most amazing nights of my life! After he took me to the Melting Pot for dinner (which was sooo yummy), we went back to his apartment...and when we walked in there were hundreds of white candles lit all over the place and red rose petals covering the floor. It was perfect! :)
Although we got engaged on the 28th we actually took our announcement pictures before that so we could get some of the fall leaves in them, so I didn't even have my wedding ring in these pictures! Here are a few of our pictures from the shoot we did that day down in Alpine Canyon ( the main pic on our blog is also from this photo shoot).
Posted by Desiree Decker at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: wedding