In the first week of August I went and got maternity photos taken by Stephanie Winger who is an AMAZING photographer! She did such a great job and they turned out fantastic! least I think so :) These are just a few of my fav's since there were a ton that I really liked but I can't fit them all on here!
This one is a personal favorite of mine since it actually makes me look as pregnant as I felt...and it was taken before the stretch marks showed up!
I got to have Jonathan in the photo shoot which was really important to me since he was such a big part of this whole process. This one I love because it shows just how much he loves his little boy already :)

To anyone who is contemplating doing something like this I would say go for it! Although I won't do it again (my body probably won't be worthy of it next time around) it was totally worth it to have these great memories to keep for the rest of our lives. My pregnancy was such a special time for me and I am glad that I have something to help me remember the best parts of it.
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