The whole sha-bang
I love the sides! He did an amazing job and it looks like it came right out of one of those posh baby stores...only better!
Ayden playing with his bear Woods :)
The whole sha-bang
I love the sides! He did an amazing job and it looks like it came right out of one of those posh baby stores...only better!
Ayden playing with his bear Woods :)
Posted by Desiree Decker at 8:58 PM 5 comments
Ayden gets more and more animated in his baths as time goes by. Here are a few bathtime moments that we had lots of fun capturing.
Drying off in his ducky towel with Aunt Katie.
This is his most recent bathtime video. He now gets EVERYTHING in the bathroom wet when he splashes. Its like being at the Shamu show - whoever is bathing him better prepare to get drenched!
Posted by Desiree Decker at 5:04 PM 1 comments
I hate going this long without doing a post because I then feel like I have a ton of time to catch up on! Its like my own personal means of torturing myself. Maybe I'm a masachist somewhere deep down...who knows. Sometimes life just seems to get away from me I think. I can't imagine how I'm going to manage when we have another kid and we're not living with built in babysitters...but I guess I have a few years to figure that all out. Anyway, here is some stuff that has happened over the last few weeks.
This is the piggy bank I received at one of my baby showers. Ever since then Jonathan and I have been putting most of our change into it (when we happen to actually have cash that is) to save up for Ayden.
Katie and I decided one afternoon to count it all and we were shocked when we got a total of a little over $65! Its not much in the grand scheme of things but when you consider that Ayden is only 4 1/2 months old...its not too shabby!
The weekend after New Years I went with my mom and siblings on a day trip up to Idaho. As always Ayden was an angel in the car. Here's a picture of him in all his carseat cuteness. Ayden has this unique little habit of clasping his hands together. He started doing it when he was a few months old and is starting to do it less and less these days so I thought I better get a picture of it.
Posted by Desiree Decker at 4:44 PM 0 comments