I hate going this long without doing a post because I then feel like I have a ton of time to catch up on! Its like my own personal means of torturing myself. Maybe I'm a masachist somewhere deep down...who knows. Sometimes life just seems to get away from me I think. I can't imagine how I'm going to manage when we have another kid and we're not living with built in babysitters...but I guess I have a few years to figure that all out. Anyway, here is some stuff that has happened over the last few weeks.
This is the piggy bank I received at one of my baby showers. Ever since then Jonathan and I have been putting most of our change into it (when we happen to actually have cash that is) to save up for Ayden.
Katie and I decided one afternoon to count it all and we were shocked when we got a total of a little over $65! Its not much in the grand scheme of things but when you consider that Ayden is only 4 1/2 months old...its not too shabby!
The weekend after New Years I went with my mom and siblings on a day trip up to Idaho. As always Ayden was an angel in the car. Here's a picture of him in all his carseat cuteness. Ayden has this unique little habit of clasping his hands together. He started doing it when he was a few months old and is starting to do it less and less these days so I thought I better get a picture of it.
Welcome Fall
10 years ago
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