Sorry I have been slacking so bad on the blog front this summer! Here are some pictures from the last few months' activities.
Hiking In Big Cottonwood
One of my favorite trailheads of all time. ITS MINE I TELL YOU!!! MINE!!!

The wicked awesome waterfall/stream

Me and my baby bug

My men

Fun in the stroller

This used to be one of my favorite places to sit and just think...or to let the water deafen your thoughts so you can just relax and enjoy the surroundings

This is the view from my favorite spot

This is the view from the bottom

Visit To The Aquarium
Katie, Ayden and I decided to go to the aquarium in Sandy. It was lots of fun seeing all of the different fish and marine life, and showing them all to Ayden. He loved it!
Ahoy mateys!
Awesome camouflage

I love jellyfish, they are so pretty

These frogs look like they are made out of wax because they are just so bright and shiny

Taking a look at all of the cute brown froggies

Ayden wants to play!

Octi! Ayden's toy was much cuter than this one

Moon Jellies. They are so amazing I just stare and stare.

The grossest frog I have EVER seen!!! EW!


Ayden loved the coral reef with all of the colorful fish and sea plants

The touch pool is fun but Ayden's arms were too short to reach the rays. Maybe next year :)

A shrimp I think?

Awesome sea grass

Cute little mini alligator

Piranha! Yikes!

Tree froggies! So cute!

These frogs are so cute and colorful...and poisonous

A tuckered out little Ayden on our car ride home. He held his new toy octopus the the whole way.

Daddy's Birthday "Beach" PartyWe had a fun time taking my dad to "the beach" for his birthday this year. In reality, we took him to a park with a volleyball pit (the sand) and brought an inflatable pool (the ocean). He loves the beach so much we just had to! The icing on the cake was that we gave him a trip to the beach for one of his presents and all of the other gifts were themed around it!
Opening birthday presents :)
Sliding with daddy

Playing in the "ocean"

Horsey rides! Weeeeee!

Yummy pickle!

Playing with Katie Nana!

Chowin down on the picnic grub

I got dared to sit in the I did it! Go me!

Becks being Becks :)