Monday, August 31, 2009

Ayden's 1st Birthday: Part I

Ayden's First Birthday: Decker Family Party

We were fortunate to have the Decker family in town this last weekend while they were here to throw Heidi and Cody's engagement party for the people who won't be able to make it to Portland for the wedding. While they were here we figured it would be fun to have a birthday party for Ayden just a few weeks early so they could be involved in those fun memories. So here are the pictures from the party on Friday the 28th of August. Thank you to the Deckers for making it such a fun night.

Ayden's big 1 balloon
We had a lot of fun decorating even though Ayden may not have even noticed :)
A Decker doggie pile
Playing with Uncle Cody and Aunt Heidi
Daddy with all of Ayden's presents
The spoils of the night. Luckily he has a lot of clothes now to carry him through to next spring.

He got lots of fun toys from Grandma and Grandpa Decker
Including his new ride :)
Playing with blocks
The biggest pizza in the valley - and really delish too!

Ayden's cake! We'll see if I can do better with his one in a few weeks.
Blowing out candles
Ayden actually didn't care much for cake...maybe because he'd had the flu or maybe he didn't like his hands being dirty, but he did have a little bit of fun licking the frosting off of his fingersLittle bitesMilk mustache :)


Laura said...

cute looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I can't wait for emma's first birthday now. I hope I will be able to do a great cake like you did for ayden!

Lizz said...

Wow, he has thinned out a lot. He is such a cutie!