So things have been pretty darn hectic in the Decker family as of late, and I've been terrible with keeping everyone updated on everything that's been going on with us. Sorry! I'm going to try and cram as much as I can into this little update :)
We recently moved back in with my parents in Kaysville after an attempt to get into our first home. After some serious consideration we realized that if we took some time to save we would be able to more easily afford something, or even hopefully be able to build a starter home. So the plan for now is to be here until the spring or summer and save as much as we can until then. We're praying the rates and house prices won't change too much or this will have all been for nothing anyway, so I guess this is the one place we're hoping the economy won't improve!
Jonathan has been working hard and has been on a pretty tight schedule between working full time and attending college. He's trying to get his associates wrapped up and also decide which graduate school he would like to attend to finish his bachelors in accounting. He manages to squeeze in an occasional day to go snow boarding or spend time with friends, but is the best husband and dad our little family could ever ask for. Other than that he enjoys spending as much time at home as he can, LOVES to play with his little boy, and is getting more and more anxious for the new one to arrive (tell me about it honey, you're not the one getting your ribs kicked apart!).
Ayden is growing like a little weed and I swear every time I turn around he's saying a new word, doing a new sign, or sprouting a new tooth. He absolutely loves his baby signing time dvd's and watches them daily, which we don't mind since he is learning signs as fast as we can get them down. A few of his most recent ones are hot, cold, grass, tree, potty, apple, pear, socks, star, car, and tons of others. He can say a few words like cracker, mom, dad, hot, cold, grass, dog, and go, and is working on being able to say a few peoples' names. We are hoping he doesn't get too jealous of his new baby brother since he seems to love little kids and is doing very well adjusting to nursery.
As for me, well I'm getting bigger and rounder by the day! I spend the majority of my time at home with my little boy who amazes me on a regular basis, I'm enjoying spending time with my family, and cherish what time I can get with Jonathan. I can't wait to meet this little guy growing in my belly and have him as an addition to our little group...not to mention that it would be nice to be able to do regular activities like put on my pants while standing, get in and out of the car easily, and sleep at night without having to take ten minutes to shift or get up to pee. I'm excited the spring is almost here and I love taking Ayden out whenever I can.
So there you have it - that's as much as I can get in without making it a novel! I hope you all are doing well and I swear I'm going to try harder to keep up with least until the baby is here! :) Here are some random photos for you!
Cards we made for Valentine's Day with Ayden's cute little hands. We only got to make a few because he cried like crazy when we painted his hands!

Ayden's first haircut - it was only a little bit of hair though because he still doesn't have a whole lot

What a great update des! I enjoyed reading the whole thing, ayden sure is growing up fast. We miss you all, hopefully it won't take us too long to meet the newest member of your family!
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