Today was Mother's Day and of course was full of love and fun, thoughtful gifts. I personally had an incredibly rough start to my day...mostly due to the fact that I had been in labor on Thursday night and had hoped at that time to have found myself with a two day old baby by the time mother's day rolled around. As it happened, things didn't go as I'd hoped and as a result I found myself still very pregnant and now very emotional and moody this morning. Poor Jonathan had to lay low for most of the morning just not to get snapped at. Sorry baby.
Anyhow, on a much happier note we had been wanting so badly to get a real video camera since the only way we'd had to record video was pretty much using our cell phones and its so fun to be able to look back on much to my surprise I was greeted this morning by this shiny new video camera! Its going to be so great to be able to get better videos of Ayden, and of our new little guy when he arrives. It was a perfect gift. :)

Ok so another reason I was so unstable this morning was due to the stress and lack of sleep brought on by my propensity to want to pull off these fun gift ideas for my own mom when I don't really have the time to do them. We had decided that the kids were going to chip in and get her a weeping cherry tree for her front yard since she loves the pink blossoms so much in the spring. Sadly, the blossoms have already come and gone for the year, so I decided it would be fun to make her tree "blossom" with some paper flowers. Then as an add on I thought it would be fun to hang cherries from the ends of the strands of blossoms with loving thoughts from each child written on them for her to read.
I am so glad I had Katie to help me out with putting these together or I may not have finished before just giving up and going to bed. Even between the two of us we were up till 1am gluing, cutting, and assembling all of the strands and cherries. I even used real twigs from our trees for the cherry stems (and yes I know weeping cherries don't actually produce was just a play on words). As far as I can tell it was a big hit and although we may have been groggy this morning, it was worth it.

What a great mother's day I love the cute idea you had with the cherry blossom tree, I bet your mom loved it!
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