Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Opportunity Of A Lifetime!

As a lot of you probably know I have been trying to blindly make my way into the photography business and have been lucky enough to have some opportunities to do work for friends and family, but I haven't felt like I've had the general knowledge and experience I could potentially have. After hearing about a particular photographer from my friend Laura I looked at her work and fell in love with her artistry and style and decided I'd be daring and ask her if I could job shadow with her and learn anything she had to teach.

Thankfully she said yes and I've attended several of her photo shoots since. Its been an amazing opportunity and she has been an awesome mentor, not to mention lots of fun to work with. She even let me shoot some pics with my camera at the wedding reception I attended with her (using her lenses of course cause mine kind of sucks). Most recently she was nice enough to take some photos of our newest little addition Oliver, and they turned out just incredible! I can't wait to get the edits so I can post them on here! In the mean time you can see them on her blog:

Anyway, here are a few of the pics I took at the wedding reception I attended with her!