On Sunday, May 23rd I woke up early to the happy surprise (or at least I thought it was happy) of contractions. I was 38 weeks along in my pregnancy and I had been praying for weeks to have the baby, so I was thrilled to know I would have him in less than 24 hrs if I was lucky....
By 5 that afternoon I headed to the hospital and within an hour or two was admitted and given my epidural. Unfortunately there were a couple of hiccups in the process (at one point my contractions stopped and I had to be given pitocin) we had a healthy new baby boy at 3:10 am on Monday, May 24th. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and measured at 20 inches in length. He had a decent amount of golden-coppery hair, crazy long fingers and toes, a squashed little button nose, and the cutest little cry ever. He was just perfect.
We had picked out a few names prior to his birth but when ha was finally here with us neither of them seemed to fit him just right. We had joked about that happening since that was what had happened when we'd had Ayden...so we were prepared not to make a decision right away. After some discussion and pondering we decided on the name Oliver Michael Decker - we fell in love with the name Oliver for him, and chose Michael as his middle name in honor of his Grandpa George (my daddy).
Anyway, so here are some pictures of his arrival into this world. Enjoy!

Not the greatest picture of me...I sort of look high (I kind of felt that way too), but it just shows how supportive and amazing Jonathan was during the whole process

Congratulations Des. You've got quite the darling little family!
I love seeing a new baby! SO much fun!! I can't wait to have another!!
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